Items to Share: 26 July 2015
Education Focus
- Building a Better Discussion - Advice - The Chronicle of Higher Education '[W}hat I found was something new, illuminating, and provocative: a research-based approach to understanding the classroom as a social space, and an awareness of how the norms of that social space can help or inhibit classroom discussion. Howard’s book should be essential reading for any faculty member who wants to hear students speak up in the classroom, real or virtual.'
- What Fitness Bands Can Teach Us about Classroom Assessment [] 'Although fitness bands are cool tech tools, their “magic” is rooted in the continuous feedback they provide on one’s progress toward fitness goals determined by age, height/weight, and activity level. [ ...] Watching her response and seeing her success have caused me to revisit what we know about the power of formative assessment as a learning tool.'
- ‘Growth mindset’ – Panacea or double-edge weapon? | The Language Gym 'The principles embedded in Carol Dweck’s Growth mindset theory have played a great role in my life, especially in recent years. They are inspiring, motivating and reassuringly universal. However, they are nothing new. [...] In the realm of social learning theory, Bandura’s (1994) produced very similar findings and his self-efficacy theory overlaps with Dweck’s work in many ways. [...] Finally, at the risk of trivializing the present discussion, Rocky Balboa’s famous ‘motivational’ speech to his son, in Sylvester Stallone’s movie, could be seen as a forerunner of many of Dweck’s principles… [ ] So why all the fuss now? Why is ‘Growth mindset’ all the rage in the business and education world at this moment in our history? Why do, these days, so many diagrams displaying Carol Dweck’s commandments pop up in so many Tweets and Facebook posts day in day out?'
- Why Plagiarism Doesn’t Bother Me At All: A Research-Based Overview of Plagiarism as Educational Opportunity | Teaching & Learning in Higher Ed. 'But once we begin to view plagiarism not as an atrocity, an evil misdeed, a crime, but as a mistake, an error in judgment, a lapse, a misstep, a miscalculation, then, knowing how important trial-and-error and revision are at all levels of learning, we begin to recognize that plagiarism can be an opportunity for learning.'
Other Business
- Furlongs Per Fortnight: Interesting Thing of the Day
'something moving at the speed of one furlong per fortnight (f/f) would
be moving very slowly indeed. Interestingly enough, though, 1 f/f is
almost exactly equal to 1 centimeter per minute; therefore, furlongs per
fortnight would be a good unit of measurement for a snail’s pace, which
ranges from a bit less than 1 f/f to about 30.5 f/f.'
- Web Design - The First 100 Years
'Brilliant funny provocative talk about technology and design. The
first third argues that civil aviation design flatlined after the Boeing
747 because the 747 was good enough for getting round the world fast.
The second third argues that the Internet has reached the same stage of
development: It’s done. The third third takes issue with software and AI
visionaries who claim that the digital revolution is only just
beginning (6,600 words)' Thanks to The Browser
- Does Mindfulness Mean Anything? : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR 'We
are in the middle of a mindfulness revolution. According to Time, The
Huffington Post and a host of other media outlets, mindfulness and
meditation are having their moment in the spotlight. From hospitals to
corporate wellness programs, mindfulness is — supposedly — a new path to
relieving stress, lifting depression and increasing happiness. But,
depending on your perspective, the advent of mindfulness and meditation
in America is either a milestone in the evolution of the culture — or a
mighty avalanche of hype.'
- Video: How to cook an egg perfectly in just 3 seconds - Boing Boing
But it does remind me of a camping trip in Scotland in 1960... with my
brother and his room-mate from university (later Speaker of the
Norwegian parliament). We didn't have a primus stove, so we borrowed
Dad's blowlamp instead, which proved capable of charring the bottom of a
fried egg to a cinder and leaving the top totally raw, in about the
same length of time.
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